Waasland Logistics Park business park management

In 2017, business park management was initiated for the western part of the Waasland Logistics Park. Participation in business park management is one of the conditions that must be satisfied to be granted a concession. In the meantime, business park management for the Waasland Logistics Park has expanded with several companies in the adjacent Aven Ackers SMB zone under the supervision of the Interwaas business park manager.

Currently, this project is still in the start-up phase, but with the further development of the Logistics Park, a business association will be established to expand the network further under the supervision of its own business park manager.

Community consultation association

Mobility Environment Economics

Currently, the Ketenislaan, Molenweg, Geslecht, Deurganckdok, and Sint-Jansweg zone only has one community consultation association for companies at the port on the left bank of the Scheldt. It was...

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