From 10 March onwards, you must book your seat using the Mbus app
24/02/2025 Mobility
From Monday 10 March 2025 onwards, the Shuttle Bus (Pendelbus) will switch to a new booking platform. From then on, you must book your seat on the Shuttle Bus directly using the Mbus app. Do you use...
Concession tariffs 2025
05/11/2024 Economics Communications
On Wednesday 2 October 2024, the Executive Board approved the tariffs for 2025 concessions and land leases. You can read these here. If you have a question, you are welcome to contact...
New General Terms and Conditions for Concessions from 1 August 2024
In 2023, Port of Antwerp-Bruges and Scheldt Left Bank Corporation (MLSO) drew up new General Terms and Conditions for Concessions in the Antwerp port area. It sets out a number of general rules that...
Happy Holidays!
Are you surfing mobile? Discover our wishes here. Viewing this post via desktop or laptop? Then scan the QR code with your smartphone.
Here's to a shining 2023!
23/12/2022 Communications
The entire MLSO team wishes you a happy New Year!
EUR 375,000 to make the port on the left bank of the Scheldt even more sustainable
01/07/2021 Sustainability
The Province of East Flanders and MLSO are joining forces to make the port on the left bank of the Scheldt even more sustainable. The Province will invest 75,000 euros each year for this purpose over...
8 and 9 May 2021: E34 closed in both directions for construction of definitive bridge for cyclists
30/04/2021 Mobility Communications
On 8 and 9 May 2021, the E34 at Waaslandhaven-Oost will be completely closed in both directions. During that weekend, the contractor will install the new bicycle bridge over the motorway. Work...
Continued efforts to promote the sustainable development of Waaslandhaven
24/02/2021 Communications
On 24 February 2021, MLSO’s executive board met for the 300th time. Over the past 40 years, Waaslandhaven has undergone far-reaching changes. This is the perfect time to reflect upon the past and...
Partial commissioning of Waaslandhaven-Oost slip road
15/02/2021 Mobility Communications
The works on the Waaslandhaven-Oost slip road complex as part of the Oosterweel connection are entering a new phase this week. From then on, part of the so-called bowtie intersection will be in use....
BAKEN - a landmark for the Waasland Logistics Park
16/12/2020 Communications
BAKEN was recently erected at the edge of the Waasland Logistics Park, phase West on the border between the port area and the polders. This work of art by Niko Van Stichel and Lut Vandebos refers to...
MLSO has signed up to the Voka Charter for Sustainable Enterprise (VCDO)
01/12/2020 Communications Sustainability
This autumn, Maatschappij Linkerscheldeoever (MLSO) signed up to the Voka Charter for Sustainable Enterprise in order to promote sustainability and embed it even more firmly within our organisation....
From 1 October, the Beverentunnel will become ADR category D
30/09/2020 Mobility
In order to increase safety in the Beverentunnel, the Roads and Traffic Agency will limit the transport of dangerous goods (ADR transport) through the tunnel as from 1 October 2020. The...
Alfaport Voka, Antwerp Port Authority and the Scheldt Left Bank Corporation (MLSO) in agreement on further extension of the payment term for concessions and harbour dues.
In order to continue supporting the shipping lines, barge operators and concessionaires at the port of Antwerp in these difficult circumstances, a further postponement of payment for domain...
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