Starting today, 5G Light will be available in part of the port on the left bank of the Scheldt

01/04/2020 Communications

Today, Proximus is the first operator in Belgium to roll out a 5G Light network in 30 municipalities. This is also true for the port on the left bank of the Scheldt, more specifically in the territory of the municipality of Zwijndrecht, where there is coverage for companies and consumers. The Proximus network supplies the light version of 5G using the existing infrastructure, both the antennas and spectrum bands. 3G traffic is dropping off steeply, which is why the company can use the 2,100 MHz band to initiate the new generation of network connectivity. By applying this strategy, the radiation does not exceed the prevailing standards. The network rolled out today will achieve speeds up to 30% faster than 4G.

BAKEN - a landmark for the Waasland Logistics Park


BAKEN was recently erected at the edge of the Waasland Logistics Park, phase West on the border between the port area and the polders. This work of art by Niko Van Stichel and Lut Vandebos refers to...

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