MLSO has signed up to the Voka Charter for Sustainable Enterprise (VCDO)

This autumn, Maatschappij Linkerscheldeoever (MLSO) signed up to the Voka Charter for Sustainable Enterprise in order to promote sustainability and embed it even more firmly within our organisation.

Sustainability has been ingrained in the DNA of Maatschappij Linkerscheldeoever (MLSO) for many years. We work together with our partners Havenbedrijf Antwerpen and Alfaport Voka on the sustainability report for the port community and the sustainability award, in which SDGs will feature even more prominently in the coming editions. We also support a number of projects that promote sustainable energy use, including Ecluse, Wind aan de Stroom and, more recently, Logigrid in the Waasland Logistics Park - phase West. In the Logistics Park Waasland project, we also signed up for the Green Deal companies and biodiversity. The new business parks have been organised as optimally and sustainably as possible.

We have also paid a great deal of attention to sustainable entrepreneurship within our own company: 

  • our fleet of vehicles is fully electric;
  • we allocate allowances to colleagues who commute to work on a traditional or electric bicycle;
  • we also provide changing rooms with showers for them;
  • colleagues who cycle to work are provided with cycling clothing;
  • our office has been fitted with solar panels and a green roof;
  • we collect rainwater and use it whenever possible;
  • a weekly fruit basket encourages all colleagues to snack healthily;
  • there are opportunities to work from home if you want to;
  • an increasing amount of our communication is digital and our newsletter Halo and annual report have been printed in a sustainable manner since 2018;
  • ...

At MLSO, we want to deepen our commitment to sustainable entrepreneurship and embed it even more firmly in our business operations. This is why we signed up to the Voka Charter for Sustainable Enterprise this autumn. You can read more about how we want to do this in the interview with our social projects advisor in the port & logistics special edition of Ondernemers, which was published in late November.

BAKEN - a landmark for the Waasland Logistics Park


BAKEN was recently erected at the edge of the Waasland Logistics Park, phase West on the border between the port area and the polders. This work of art by Niko Van Stichel and Lut Vandebos refers to...

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